1. The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere. 2. Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System. Submission System (Chinese-国内作者投稿通道) Submission System (English-国外作者投稿通道) 3. Please submit the full paper, if presentation and publication are both needed. 4. Please submit the abstract only, if you just want to make presentations. 5. The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere. 6. The full-text repetition rate should not exceed 20%. 7. Templates Download. 8. Should you have any questions, or you need any materials in English, please contact us. | |
Join as Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you can choose to attend MAIC 2025 as a Presenter. As presenter, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation before register. Accepted and registered abstracts will be included in the program book, won't be published into the conference proceedings, authors will be invited to give the oral/poster presentation at site. Join as Listener: MAIC 2025 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective plateform to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the filed of latest academic research. You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration deadline. |